Do you have any questions? Call: +36 (1) 577 1544

Tickets cannot be bought for closed events. Thank you for understanding.

RESTRICTED VIEW Dear Viewers! Due to the nature of the programme, the following seats are available at a -20% discount: Door 11, Left Bslcony 1st row, seats 10-11 and 12-13 Door 8, Right Balcony 1st row, seats 10-11 and 12-13

Dear Visitors!

We inform you that some of our dates have been changed. We kindly ask you to check this page if the hours of the selected show have been modified. If so, please contact us via email at: or via phone at: +36 (1) 577 1544; +36 (1) 343 9637

Thank you for understanding!


Helyárak | Prices
Teljesárú | Full price
Nyugdíjas | Pensioner | Diák | Student (18-24)
Gyermek | Child
Teljes ár
18.000,- HUF
Teljes ár
10.800- HUF
8.100,- HUF
7.560,- HUF
Családi páholy
Teljes ár
9.000- HUF
6.750- HUF
6.300- HUF
Teljes ár
6.600,- HUF
4.950,- HUF
4.620,- HUF
17.952,- HUF
I. kategória
Teljes ár
5.400,- HUF
4.050,- HUF
3.780,- HUF
14.688,- HUF
II. kategória
Teljes ár
4.680,- HUF
3.510,- HUF
3.276,- HUF
12.732,- HUF
III. kategória
Teljes ár
3.000,- HUF
3.000,- HUF
3.000,- HUF

Opening hours

Napok | Days
Időpomtok | Times
hétfő – csütörtök | monday – thursday
10:00 – 18:00 (technikai szünet | technical break: 12:30 – 13:00)
péntek | friday
10:00 – 18:00
szombat – vasárnap | saturday – sunday
10:00 – 18:00

Dear Guests!

We reserve the right to change the program!

Contats:;  +36 (1) 343 9637

Thank you for your understanding!